About us

GED Prep aims to be your go-to resource for independent, unbiased GED prep reviews.

GedPrep.org is an independent website that reviews GED Test preparation courses. We are not connected to the GED® Testing Service (GED.com)

GED is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education (ACE) and administered exclusively by GED Testing Service LLC under license. This content is not endorsed or approved by ACE or GED Testing Service.

How can we help you

Anytime you want to try a new GED prep, and you’re not sure if it’s safe, legit, or a scam, you head to GEDprep.org, and you’ll make an informed decision.

On this blog, you can discover everything about the GED prep courses you are looking for: pros, cons, general reviews, prices, discounts, scams, and anything.

Simply put, this blog helps you spend your time and money wisely so that you can avoid all the scams that are out there.

if you have any questions, please get in touch with us here.