GED Academy Review

GED Academy, PassGED, and Essential Ed Course all refer to the same program. This is one of the GED programs available to students who want to pass the GED test by studying online.

This program has been on the market for a long time, and many schools and libraries have used this program. GED Academy is known for having specific features such as cartoon characters, but if that’s still advantageous these days remains to be seen.

First of all, GED® students don’t have access to all lessons upon joining the program, and we think that’s a massive setback. Today, GED students want access to all study material at once. They can decide very well what subjects to take first.

If they take a practice test, they will learn all bout their weaker points, so they can center on those subject areas. With a pre-set study program like GED Academy uses, they are limited in their options.

Free GED Prep Choice?

With GED Academy, they must achieve a certain mark in a practice test before being able to move to the next lessons. So, when you log in to your account, you will see only a few lessons and a test.

The students can switch between subject areas and have access to additional lessons and resources for independent studying during the process.

Well, that’s one of the benefits of online GED courses, but there are several GED online prep courses that offer far more flexibility,

As the students move through the program, some lessons that need additional work will appear as review lessons.

At any one time, the students will have a recommended lesson and an alternative lesson to choose from, but that’s about all the choice there is.

When the students have gone through the learning plan, they will be given a timed GED practice test for that subject only.

Cartoon Characters

Another specific feature is the way how the lessons are presented by cartoon characters. There is a virtual tutor. The cartoon characters are supposed to represent diverse societies of students.

Some students say these cartoon characters are condescending, and there is a lot of drama (not related to learning), while perhaps others feel motivated by these stories presented by the cartoon characters.

I guess you need to check if it works for you, and of course, you’ll need to know what’s on the GED exam to be able to make a correct assessment.

Prepare Well

Like any other online prep program, you can decide how much time you want to put into learning, maybe an hour a day or an hour a week. There are also longer practice tests that measure students’ readiness for the GED test.

GED Academy doesn’t give you free GED Ready® vouchers to take the GED Testing Service-developed official GED practice tests for free, like, for example, the Onsego GED Prep course (a $28 value).

GED Ready is actually the only practice assessment that can predict if you will likely reach passing results on the real GED test. There are, in total, four of these practice tests that are available at the website for $6.99 apiece.

Alternatives To GED Academy:

Although GED Academy (Essential Ed) has been a popular program for a long time, there are many students who are looking for a program with a different approach that allows them to study the subject matter in the order they prefer.

So, here are a few good alternatives:

Whatever you choose, just keep in mind that you need to put in your time and energy and prepare well. Without that, nothing will work.

The GED diploma allows for a fine college education, and you can pursue a rewarding and fulfilling career. The GED degree has technically and legally the same status as a common high school degree.

Federal and state government organizations, employers, and institutions of higher learning will accept the GED credential in the same way as a high school degree.