I have written about Onsego GED Prep before because Onsego is probably the most effective GED prep around, and it is accredited by GED Testing Service.
This means that it is fully in line with what’s on the most recent edition of the computerized GED test.
There are just twenty courses that GED Testing Service qualifies as fully aligned with the GED® test curriculum.
Why is this important?
Well, as you may or may not know, the market is flooded with all kinds of GED practice websites and videos that offer GED lessons, some of which have zero alignments with the GED test, some of which are okay at best.
Very few are excellent and actually know what is required to pass the GED test.
Onsego belongs to the “excellent” category.
With Onsego, students get a perfect combo of accreditation, quality, and customer satisfaction. It’s common to see users reporting that they pass the GED test within a short time (sometimes even 2-3 weeks) after joining Onsego. Therefore, we look into this program to find out how it works.

Let’s dive in. In this article, we discuss the following:
- What’s included in Onsego prep
- 4 GED prep courses
- GED Ready® Test
- GED calculator
- Quitting protection
- Confidence boosters
- Progress tracker
- How long does Onsego GED prep take
- Onsego price
What’s Included In The Onsego GED Course?
Onsego’s GED online classes include more than just self-paced video lessons. There are many components that make this GED prep the most effective prep available on the market.
This GED prep program is based on the idea that taking small steps at a time is the best way to help students earn their GED diplomas fast.
4 GED Prep Courses
There are four subject courses: Math, Language, Social Studies, and Science. These courses are divided into modules, lessons with quizzes, and then there are practice tests.
Onsego offers more than 400 online GED video lessons and numerous practice tests, and the students can view and track their progress quite easily; this makes this course one of the best available options to prepare for the GED exam efficiently.
The entire GED curriculum is presented in small, “bite-sized” lessons so that students digest the covered study material fast and retain the content better. Fortunately, Onsego doesn’t use cartoon characters as GED Academy does. We feel that sort of presentation doesn’t quite fit the modern-day online education world
Because all Onsego lessons focus on just one specific GED topic, this program makes sure the students understand each and every GED concept before they move ahead to the next subject.
After each lesson, Onsego offers a short test, so the students can easily check whether they understood the material properly. The course is built up of modules that include a number of lessons, and after each module, there’s a longer practice test for students to check their knowledge of the subject material covered in the entire module.
One more positive element associated with Onsego is that their Advantage Programs include four bonuses, such as a GED Calculator course, four vouchers for GED Ready practice tests, quitting protection program, and a confidence booster mini-course.
Let’s discuss each of them:
GED Ready Practice Test
GED Ready is a practice test developed by the people behind the GED exam. For each GED subject (so four overall), there is a GED Ready test that can be purchased from the official GED website, GED.com. Each practice test costs $7.99. Onsego’s Advantage Plans include four GED Ready tests for free!
The GED Ready tests are about half the length of the actual GED sub-exam, and you will receive a personalized score report that indicates on what subject of that GED sub-exam you should focus on to improve your scores. We really appreciate that Onsego gives four free vouchers for these practice tests.
GED Calculator
Onsego’s GED prep course includes a highly effective course that enables students to pass the GED Math sub-exam even if they don’t get math at all.
On part two of the GED Math subtest, and also on the Social Studies and Science subtests, you can use a calculator, but it must be the Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView Scientific calculator.
There are two versions of this calculator: the hand-held device that you can buy for around $18 at any Walmart or BestBuy, for example, and an on-screen version that works the same as the hand-held device.
We have a full review of Onsego’s GED Calculator Course, so if you want to learn how to pass GED Math and how to work with this calculator effectively and fast, check out that page.
Quitting Protection
The most significant obstacle to earning a GED is that students quit the program and stop studying regularly. Onsego’s Quitting Protection course will help students keep learning and pass the four GED subtests. That’s a promise. The Quitting Protection course explains what is needed to move forward if you hit a roadblock. This course costs $49, but it is included in Onsego’s “Advantage” plans.
Confidence Booster
Onsego’s Confidence Boosting course helps students reach their full potential. This course includes five lessons that explain how to improve your self-confidence and pass the GED stress-free.
The course also explains how students can change their mindset and achieve what they want. There’s also a learning style quiz to allow students to discover their best learning style and optimize their studying. This course costs $45 when bought separately, but it is included in Onsego’s “Advantage” plans.
Progress Tracker
With Onsego’s progress tracker, the students are able to review their earlier and current practice tests and their progress. This tool is actually a great feature and a valuable tool to help the students remain motivated and keep on learning.
The GED lessons published by Onsego are easily digestible and a great option for busy individuals who don’t want to sit in a brick-and-mortar classroom or can’t study for hours long in a row.
We believe that Onsego’s GED prep course offers one of the best available and affordable ways for students to reach their goal of securing a High School Equivalency (GED) diploma.
Onsego’s GED prep course is fully student-driven. They can choose which GED topics to study for just as long as they want. The course also includes a sort of “Skip This Section” tool that measures their knowledge in a specific module. If they demonstrate sufficient proficiency, they can skip that module and move on to sections that require more of their precious study time.
How Long Does Onsego GED Prep Take?
Onsego’s GED online prep course lasts six months, but there are also one- and three-month extensions available at a discounted rate. Online education has come a long way, and this course is a perfect example of how well online courses have become over recent years.
We think that the six-month period is long enough for the majority of GED students to get optimally prepared for the four modular GED sub-exams. Most students will not even require that amount of time to get ready and will be all set to pass the four tests in three or four months, especially if they study regularly.
The fact of the matter is that there are students who can be successful on the GED exam after just a few weeks of intensive preparation, but there are others that require a few months or sometimes even a year. You may also want to read more reviews at the bottom of this page.
The Onsego Course Cost
The GED prep course designed by Onsego includes several plans. Students can opt to prepare for just one of the four GED subject tests, which costs $49 per subject. They can also take all subjects for $99 in the 6-month access Advantage Plan. This a temporarily discounted rate that normally costs $149!
Onsego offers the “Advantage Plus” option that offers full access to all GED study material and supportive courses for a 12-month period for $129 (normally $199). Students who feel they need more time to get ready for the entire GED exam can opt for this plan.
There’s also an Onsego Advantage Pro (Score Booster) Plan that gives 12-month unlimited access and tutor support for $199 (regularly $399), a great option for struggling students.
Onsego also offers the four GED subject tests as standalones, one single-subject course at $49 each! Please note that these prices are temporary offerings, so check if they still count at onsego.com!
We truly believe that Onsego’s GED preparatory course is a GED education game changer among other good GED courses. The program includes lots of videos, uses state-of-the-art courses and motivational “game plans” and “cherry-picking” strategies, and offers lots of mock questions and practice tests.
For students who are truly motivated about acquiring their GED degrees, Onsego has developed a program that stands out in the contemporary GED prep world. The course is affordable, particularly in relation to its comprehensiveness, but if you want to learn about free online GED prep classes, check out the linked page.
One little point of criticism we need to make here, however. If Onsego would improve the quality of some of the presented video lessons, we might give this course a 10 out of 10. Now, we have to give it a 9.5 out of 10. There’s always room for improvement, right?
We believe Onsego has created a very helpful online course to help students reach their educational objectives faster than any other GED preparatory course on the market.
Onsego’s GED prep course offers top-notch, very informative, and concise GED video instruction that includes transcripts of what is presented.
The program comes with highly useful study guides and teaches the students some interesting test-taking tips and techniques. The program’s practice tests and lessons address all subject material found in the current GED exam, so if you can, take advantage of what these developers have created and sign up for Onsego right away if you want to earn your GED degree fast.
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